The Official 2008/2009 NCAA Football Thread

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I like that Georgia-TCU match up I would love to see how TCU Defense match up against Georgia's offense and your playoff makes a lot of sense.and sounds like a great idea,but what if Westen Michigan beats Ball State would you bypass them like C-USA.That was a rally good point the only good team there is Tulsa and usually they score so many points that other team can't keep up. But as the season went along they could not keep that pace up like Oklahoma,Flordia Texas Tech and Texas
I was looking at overall record. Georgia has two losses and Oklahoma State has two losses right now but they lost to Alabama and Florida and Texas and Texas Tech, respectively, 4 teams that have 3 losses between them and that play in well-regarded football conferences. Tulsa's conference is not as well regarded as are the Big XII and the SEC. I just looked at Tulsa's schedule and results from the season so far. I'd forgotten about them. I'd forgotten that they were unbeaten for quite some time this season. But you notice that they did finally lose to a team from a "BCS" conference, and that team is currently in last place in its division within that conference, not to mention that they then gave up 70 points, and got beat by 40, by Houston, not exactly a national power in college football, either. No, sorry - even though they're currently 9 - 2 and started out 8 - 0 this season I wouldn't include the Tulsa Golden Hurricane football team in my playoffs, even in the preliminary round. As for Ball State and would I still include them in my playoffs if they lose to Western Michigan or in their conference championship game? Mmm, that's a good question. Coming from a conference like the MAC, if they were to get beat in either of the next two weeks I'd have to consider no longer including them in my playoffs, but that would be a shame. They'd still have over 10 wins. Hmm. Let me think about that. I think a 10 or 11 win team (out of 12 games) coming from even a weaker conference deserves its chance to "prove itself" against "the big boys." I kinda doubt that they'd get very far against the likes of Georgia or Texas Tech, but with that many wins on the season I think maybe they'd at least deserve a shot. It's a tough call. If they were to lose but keep the game close I'd probably still include them. If they were to lose the way Tulsa did to Houston then I dunno. I'd have to think about that one.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Great point but it looks like they will go up by ten right before the half. I would keep them in the playoff picture also I really think they could sneak up on some people if they did have a playoff The times I have seen them play they look really great
Great point but it looks like they will go up by ten right before the half. I would keep them in the playoff picture also I really think they could sneak up on some people if they did have a playoff The times I have seen them play they look really great
You may very well be right. I haven't watched any MAC games this season so I don't know much about them. I'd say that would be a pretty impressive list of teams waiting to play them in a playoff, though, if my system were to be instituted.


The One and Only Big Daddy
You may very well be right. I haven't watched any MAC games this season so I don't know much about them. I'd say that would be a pretty impressive list of teams waiting to play them in a playoff, though, if my system were to be instituted.

Yea I hear you if your system was in place it would be alot easier on coaches:rolleyes: and the fan.... So how do you feel about the Texas and A&M match up.IT should be easy for Texas but like I said before they always struggle against them
Yea I hear you if your :rolleyes: and the fan.... So how do you feel about the Texas and A&M match up.IT should be easy for Texas but like I said before they always struggle against them
I don't remember where the game is this season (Austin or College Station) but A & M has struggled so much this year that I would be absolutely SHOCKED if they were to beat the Longhorns (though, I have to admit, it wouldn't bother me all that much if it DID happen :D ). Texas is one late touchdown pass away from being unbeaten while A & M has, what? 7 or 8 losses already? Like you say Texas often struggles against the Aggies but I really don't see the Aggies pulling that one off this year. As I've posted before I think Oklahoma State and Florida State have better chances of pulling the upset this Saturday upcoming than A & M (and, for that matter, Auburn) does.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Oh I see good point really I'm a Flordia State fan and I would love to see them win against Flordia but I also have to keep it real Flordia is playing some of the best football right now if FSU pulls it off that is great and hey it would be even better if OK State beats OU maybe they would rethink the BCS thing hey when they first started the BCS in 1998 how did you feel about it then. I though it would work but I was 17 then so what do I really know at that age:rolleyes:,but I"m pulling for FSU and OK State and also the Beavers
That is a good idea they should disband some conferences and let them join the so -called super powers since they can't come up with some thin simple like a play-off system
Oh, I'm sure they could if they really wanted to! But there are a couple of obstacles to it - $$$ and tradition. I'm not saying it's right - I'm just saying that I think those are the two major reasons why we haven't seen a playoff for the top level of college football, yet. If there ever is a WILL then there will be a WAY to get a top-level college football playoff in place. The only questions are: "Will the will ever be there," and "If so, how long will it take to get a true national championship playoff in place for college football's top classification?"


The One and Only Big Daddy
You are so right on that money is the reason that is so sad but true I just glad that there are true fan that really understand and love the game but I hope just like you they will come up with a playoff system like in 1-AA
Oh I see good point really I'm a Flordia State fan and I would love to see them win against Flordia but I also have to keep it real Flordia is playing some of the best football right now if FSU pulls it off that is great and hey it would be even better if OK State beats OU maybe they would rethink the BCS thing hey when they first started the BCS in 1998 how did you feel about it then. I though it would work but I was 17 then so what do I really know at that age:rolleyes:,but I"m pulling for FSU and OK State and also the Beavers
You're an FSU fan? I'm not necessarily a big FAN of the 'noles, but I AM a fan of their uniforms!! I don't think I want to try to convey to you just how cool I think FSU's football uniforms are! Absolutely the BEST ones in college football as far as I'm concerned! In fact, my wedding ring is made from the same things that FSU's colors represent (garnet and gold). THAT'S how much I like that particular color combination, and I think that FSU does the best job of bringing those colors out with their uniforms. Top notch!! :thumbsup: It's going to be tough for the 'noles this Saturday but they have a pretty good team in their own right, they are at home, and the Gators are their biggest rival so I expect them to give UF a good game. Whether or not they'll be able to give them good enough of a game to actually BEAT them I do not know, but I expect them to at least give them a strong challenge. As for the BCS, well, it's hardly a perfect system. Everybody knows that. But I'm not really sure why people criticize it so much. I mean, it's a good system as far as it goes (its efforts to get the #1 and #2 ranked teams at the end of the season into the same bowl game), but with it you simply can't count the "human factor" out completely. You just can't. You still have pairings and rankings based at least partially on the feelings, impressions, observations, and biases of humans. With that in place you're NEVER going to have a perfect system. You just aren't. For example, if Texas, Oklahoma, and Texas Tech all win this Saturday then how are you going to ever be able to FULLY convince the coaches, players, and fans of the two teams that DON'T make it to the Big XII Championship game this that their team SHOULDN'T be there? You probably wouldn't be able to, and until there is an actual playoff system you aren't ever going to have "justice" for all the teams involved. Bottom line: I like the BCS because it's an improvement over what used to exist, but do I think it truly is a good substitute for a true playoff system? No, not really.
Great point but it looks like they will go up by ten right before the half. I would keep them in the playoff picture also I really think they could sneak up on some people if they did have a playoff The times I have seen them play they look really great
So Ball State ended up winning that game pretty handily. I'd say that even if they stumble against Buffalo in the MAC Championship game that I'd include them in a playoff. I mean, an unbeaten regular season is an unbeaten regular season. But what that would do is keep them from advancing straight to the field of 16. They'd have to play a preliminary round game, first.
A clarification on my previous playoff proposal - when I made my hypothetical preliminary round matchups earlier I didn't really put as much thought into the rankings of the preliminary round participants as I probably should have, so after giving it a little more thought, here's how the preliminary round of a 2008 playoff would look if Boise State (WAC champions) and Ball State (presumptive MAC champions) were included in it (my personal rankings of the eight teams involved in my hypothetical preliminary round included, and I've already picked Texas as the top team in the Big XII South):

#1 Oklahoma (Big XII "at large") vs. #8 Ball State (presumptive MAC champions)

#2 USC (Pac-10 "at large") vs. #7 BYU (Mountain West "at large")

#3 Texas Tech (Big XII "at large") vs. #6 Boise State (WAC champions)

#4 Oklahoma State (Big XII "at large") vs. #5 TCU (Mountain West "at large")

Again, the teams that would be waiting for them to fill the last four slots out for the field of 16 would be: Oregon State (presumptive Pac-10 champions), Utah (Mountain West champions), Missouri (Big XII North division champions), Texas (presumptive Big XII South division champions), Penn State (Big Ten champions), Ohio State (Big Ten "at large"), Florida (SEC East division champions), Alabama (SEC West division champions), Georgia (SEC "at large"), the Big East champions, and both division winners from the ACC.

For those of you who prefer to keep ALL conference champions and division winners out of the preliminary round, here are my rankings and matchups for that hypothetical preliminary round:

#1 Oklahoma (Big XII "at large") vs. #8 BYU (Mountain West "at large")

#2 USC (Pac-10 "at large") vs. #7 Oklahoma State (Big XII "at large")

#3 Georgia (SEC "at large") vs. #6 TCU (Mountain West "at large")

#4 Ohio State (Big Ten "at large") vs. #5 Texas Tech (Big XII "at large")

And again, the teams that would be waiting for these teams to fill the last four slots out for the field of 16 would be: Oregon State (presumptive Pac-10 champions), Boise State (WAC champions), Utah (Mountain West champions), Missouri (Big XII North division champions), Texas (presumptive Big XII South division champions), Ball State (presumptive MAC champions), Penn State (Big Ten champions), Florida (SEC East division champions), Alabama (SEC West division champions), the Big East champions, and both division winners from the ACC.

Hopefully that clears things up for you as far as how I would set at the preliminary round of a playoff system up for college football's highest classification this season, at least a little bit.
LUVbigboobs... You been off work today or something? You have been posting like crazy. So much that I can't even keep up. Wow. I need a summary. lol
LUVbigboobs... You been off work today or something? You have been posting like crazy. So much that I can't even keep up. Wow. I need a summary. lol
I don't have a job right now, so...yeah, I've had PLENTY of time to dream this stuff up and then post on it! Aren't you impressed?
Very... Same thing goes for me except I day dream about what to come up with.It really get's you thinking. Hope you didn't get laid off from your previous job.
Very... Same thing goes for me except I day dream about what to come up with.It really get's you thinking. Hope you didn't get laid off from your previous job.
I left my previous line of work in January 2006 to pursue something else. I then earned an associate's degree earlier this year after going to school for a little over a couple of years. I had a job for a couple of months after that until both my employer and I determined that my job wasn't the right kind of job for me and that I really wasn't the right person for that job (I was working in an environmental lab). That was at the end of August this year. I haven't been working, since. I'm not sure when I'll find a job again. Fortunately for me my wife is working and making good enough money to keep our roof over our heads and food in our pantry. She's a little unsure about her job status because her company's buying another company and with that kind of stuff going on you never know for sure what's going to happen, but she's been an exemplary employee since she started working there 6 or 7 years ago so hopefully she'll keep her job.
:thumbsup:Wow that is a great chart I tell you what that system will really work but for now we do have the BCS :thumbsup::glugglug: The Chart Is Cool
Thanks! It's not perfect - I'm sure some people could make some compelling arguments about including a few different teams in the field of 20 than I have, but I think the idea is fairly solid, although my guess is that if the NCAA ever approves of a playoff for the top classification of college football that they won't have any "play-in" games the way they do for basketball. If anything I'm sure they'll go with a straight binary either 16- or 8-team tournament and leave it at that. Personally I'd like to see 16 teams, not just 8, but any kind of playoff would be better than what we currently have, in my opinion. Who knows how long it will be before we see that, if ever?


The One and Only Big Daddy
Hey who knows I give the BCS another few years just like the old Bowl Alliance.That was a great playoff chart though,and on top of that if college football does get a playoff system I think they will need at least one play-in game because one team will be screaming we got screwed other than that I can deal with the BCS.:thumbsup:
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