Deadliest Warrior

Will E Worm

With the series "Deadliest Warrior," Spike TV will settle once and for all the
age-old bar bet of who is history's ultimate fighting machine. Each week,
this original, action-packed yet historical narrative series will pit two of
the most feared warriors civilization has ever known against one another. Who
would come out the victor in a battle of Genghis Kahn's Mongol Barbarians
versus Viking warriors or Roman gladiators against Japanese samurai?
Utilizing the latest in CGI technology, Spike TV will enlist experts on these
warriors to provide insight into what made these feared combatants tick and
analyze everything from their weaponry to their unique skills of destruction.
Each episode will culminate when the two legends of the battlefield go
head-to-head in a final fight that will produce the deadliest warrior.

Ha, bracketology....

For the Mediterranean bracket, I'd say the Spartans should make it to the final four. Their only competition has to be Rome, and we know who'd spank that ass...

For the Asia bracket, easy win for Genghis, even wiping Napoleon's ass in the first round

So the other two in the final four... oh god let me put the Vikings in there (and for the record I'm a bears fan), and to top out the final four the Pirates of the Caribbean

Vikings defeat Genghis, and Sparta defeats Pirates
Vikings vs Sparta... tough call Sparta wins with only 300
the apache handles the gladiator :D (which was what i was figuring, mainly cuz i knew they used apache training for special forces). for next weeks episode i'm going to go with the samurai beating the viking.
These hypothetical matchups are getting a bit out of hand.
however, it is fun and they do go pretty in depth getting period weapons experts, using period weapons to measure force, measuring ability of individual weapons to kill, and then crunching it all in a computer...but, of course, it's all just fun
but, of course, it's all just fun

Jupp, that's exactly what it is.
For someone like me, stuff like this proves nothing and has no credibility at all. I can see historians all over the world rolling their eyes...
So let me guess. They base match ups of people based on values they half make up about people long dead that they have never known or even seen with many of them having sometimes inaccurate/incomplete histories or parts of their history that are missing, that lived at completely different times and at different technology levels, that might have been different physically than most people think they are today, that had different opponents that they had to adjust for or maybe even more importantly didn't have some opponent where they never needed to adjust their fighting methods even though some of them were smart enough they could have, that lived under different cultures that sometimes dictated the way they had to fight, to tell which one would win in a fight where it basically comes down to mostly guesswork.
I see a second season is coming and I can't wait. I always hear the argument of it should be called Dealiest Weapons but they do actually add stealth and defence in the 1000 fights. Really, when it comes down to it, it's all about the face to face fight. I thought it was alittle unfair having a ninja, who'd kill in stealth, a Spartan with ease, had to fight an actual Spartan. The Apache had no problem with the Gladiator, but a Gladiator doesn't have a giant shield covering himself.


Land Of The Snakes
I see a second season is coming and I can't wait. I always hear the argument of it should be called Dealiest Weapons but they do actually add stealth and defence in the 1000 fights. Really, when it comes down to it, it's all about the face to face fight. I thought it was alittle unfair having a ninja, who'd kill in stealth, a Spartan with ease, had to fight an actual Spartan. The Apache had no problem with the Gladiator, but a Gladiator doesn't have a giant shield covering himself.

the first season was pretty good do you know when the 2nd season starts?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Ha, bracketology....

For the Mediterranean bracket, I'd say the Spartans should make it to the final four. Their only competition has to be Rome, and we know who'd spank that ass...

I haven't seen this. But it sounds really interesting.

As for the gladiators vs. the Spartans, that doesn't make much sense to me, unless it's an individual gladiator vs. an individual Spartan - and even then. :confused: The gladiators were generally slaves placed into individual combat for entertainment. They had nothing to do with the Roman legions or the military. They were more like our modern day wrestlers or ultimate fighters than actual soldiers. The Spartans' greatest strength was in the phalanx formation: many fighting as one. And Rome conquered all of Greece... using heavily revised tactics and strategies borrowed from the Greeks and others. It wasn't that the individual Roman or Greek soldier would kick your ass, it was that the legion or phalanx would kick your ass. I guess I don't understand the format yet. :dunno:

Eh, there's got to be lots of speculation. And maybe some of the lineups won't make sense. But it sounds good. I want to check this out! I wasn't sure that SpikeTV still existed.
What are the criteria for being a Spike TV 'expert.' Ownership of the complete Girls Gone Wild catalogue and wanking callouses? I'm all agog to hear what these boffins of the blowjob, these gurus of the gangbang, have to say about the history of kicking ass. They've got a computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will E Worm

I have a few:

Attila the Hun vs Genghis Khan

Gaul soldier
Roman Legionnaire
Egyptian soldier

I might add more later.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Whut up gangsta... next year I hope they show some thug love. JK

I hope to God they don't give those pussies any screen time. All it would do is encourage them. Maybe they could lure some of those assholes to the studio in a sting operation and send them to the graybar hotel. If that were the case, then yeah, that would be an awesome choice.