Without question it was the Blair Witch Project. Boooooooooorrrrring!!
While I disagree, I'd dave to say that your avatar is simply delicious. Don't know who she is, but she's easily the hottest retro beauty I've ever seen from the 'golden era' of the adult industry. I've been wondering who she is for minutes now. I take it you might know? *hopes*
Mean while I've been a serious Cinephile movie collector (of various formats, of course) my entire life (and that includes clunky old VHS tapes, well over seven dozen Laserdiscs plus standard definition DVD and now thank God Blu-Ray), and I've also clocked in many, many hours at the modern multiplex theaters around my country. So I've seen my share of theater dogs, less real film projects from the film makers and more 'products', as well as just plain all time pieces of shit stinkers.
Some of them that I've sat through
WITHOUT turning-off and as well some I've walked out of the screening room of the theater (or cinema for our good/clsoe European friends & allies) are:
Hollywood Homicide (the theater me and a cousin watched this in at the time in a large city was sadly
SO Ghetto-ass that, I'm sorry, coupled with the routine nature of the film's first half hour, I'm sorry we just chouldn't stay in the room. The whole screening room stunk of some pretty bad skank weed and I think we watched a few real life heroin/drug transactions go down in front of us from dealers that were oddly enough more entertaining then this run-of-the-mill mainstream cop/buddy action-comedy.)
National Security with
Martin Lawrence (we didn't walk out of this one, but I REALLY wanted to. Took family to see this Martin Lawrence starring dud. Look for Erik Roberts in it iwth a particlarly bad dye job as well as a terrible accent. Can't believe he's made a come back. Seem's like a nice enough guy, though).
Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever (terrible mainstream dud. The screen writer did a fine job with Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers years ago, as well as Rabid Fire with Brandon Lee and the Spawn animated series, and Wrong Turn is okay for parts. But holy shit, I still can't figure out where this film went wrong

At least it had potentional, but I REALLY didn't wanna finish the DVD of when I first rented it, but I fored myself to once I looked over at the running time and saw that it had less then 20 minutes to go. It was an endurance test. Just a ridiculous movie that I didn't "Get" why it needed to be made.
Over the summer of '03 I
REALLY wanted to walk-out on Ang Lee's version of
The Hulk, namely because I even knew goin' in that I 1# Didn't like the previews, and 2# Even though Jennifer Connelyl is simply stunning as always, this was the beginning of the more 'modern day' Jennifer who sadly apparently rarely earts (just watch that chest sadly shrink, baby:eek:

) and only has the emotional range of MAYBE two whole emotions during an average 120 minute movie, and 3# I honestly NEVER, EVER liked the Marvel character in comic or the cartoons or even television show form. Sorry folks, but I'm honestly a D.C. Batman & Superman kinda guy about finding them much more interesting when it comes to film adaptions. But mostly I almost fell asleep in the screening room, waiting on somethin' to happen during the 2 1/2 hours or so rthat it un-spooled in front of us. But man oh man if I wasn't with a then still quite young in elementary school nephew or one of more older brothers who drove us, and since I didn't bring extra querters for the arcade in the lobby, I
SO badly wanted to walk-out though.
As for the sequel: I waited to rent the Blu-Ray since we all learned our lesson form the first mostly dullard film, and around the 20 minute mark, where the Xenophobic Brazilian thugs were calling him the usual Gringo shit and speaking the Portuguese language, then he transformed the first time into that big, green, CGI blob of dumb shit, I gave it about another seven or so minutes. Even Tim Roth shooting at him and hamming it up nicely as always and doing some okay character acting chouldn't save up. So sorry again Hulk fans, but I turned it off once again. I did, however, find the X-Box360 adaption of it pretty decent, although it is very difficult. But yeah, what an absolute shit series of films.
With family we rented
The Happening on pay-per-view about two years ago when it came out on PPV, and I chouldn't sto laughing mostly through it, with peopleing telling me in my mom & dad's then living room to 'shush it'. *lmao* Such a piss-poor scrited and laughable thriller. Oddly enough 'underrated' as a bad/inept and totally laughable film, for whatever it means. Anyone else see it? Did anyone else find every suposed 'serious' moment in that film oddly laughable every which way you thought about it?
During a day after Christmas a few years ago when the '06 remake of
Black Christmas came out, being the big Giallo & Slasher film fanatic that I am, I went to see it alone two days after Christmas when it oddly premiered to the expected terrible reviews and piss-poor box-office. I knew it wouldn't be as well-constructed as the late/great Bob Clark original, but it was curious and I was much more loaded with money in my wallet at the time, so I went. hugh mistake, as I was more less forced myself to walk out. A few minutes before the movie started, and I'm only in there with maybe two other couples and a small gang of about 4 (or 5) just barely in high school age'd little shit-heel teeny bobber little girls, and they're cell phone chatting away and laughing
WAY too God damn loud, even though the previews, and so I just said to myself aloud "fuck this!" and I walked into another screening room that was starting less then ten minutes later (cause I remember'd all the showtimes). I can't honestly remember that it was that I saw, but it was decent enough for the usual holiday season.
But when I eventually saw that on DVD, rented of ocurse, yeah I thought it was of course fairly crappy. So Bob Clark can now truely RIP as it won't tarnish the memory of the first. The pointless remake from '06 is just sort of 'there', but it's not like you have to go out and to buy it.
I also came pretty damn close to shutting on the old clunky VHS tae of
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (aka: Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre) when I retned it many years ago, back at the first part of '98 when it was finally re-released to the general public, and all I can say is that original co-screen writer of the original Kim Henkel, should thank his lucky stars above that he has anything to do with the original, as that has to be one of the single BIGGEST pointless, and most mid-guided from the true sense of the word films that has ever been shot. Seriously: Can anyone explain that incoherant miss of a failed dark-comedy to anyone? I rest my case.